Hope Hive

Led by IMPACT, in partnership with DAH Theatre and their Arts and Human Rights Festival, ‘Hope Hive’ brings people together to address human rights and social justice issues through the arts. It…

AHA Project

IMPACT brings you the AHA! project – Arts for Humanity Autobiographies. Through personal stories, members of the IMPACT community recount their journeys connecting arts and culture to conflict transformation, in…

Empowering Grassroots in Colombia

Together with the Office of Cultural Affairs of the Central Bank of Colombia, IMPACT has supported capacity-building among grassroots arts and peacebuilding organizations in Colombia. This involved gathering human and…

Art and culture transform conflict by opening new possibilities for thinking, acting, and creating together.

In face of complex challenges, from climate devastation to rising authoritarianism, urgent creative action is needed to transform conflict.

IMPACT supports diverse networks from arts, culture, and conflict transformation in building more creative, inclusive societies.